Holy Trinity Cathedral has a long tradition of choirs offering music in worship. Over time the choir has taken different forms, and has consisted of mixed adults, men and boys, and groups including women and men, girls and boys. What remains constant is the choir’s dedication to offering music that enlivens and uplifts everyone’s experience of worship at Holy Trinity Cathedral.

The choir draws on the English cathedral tradition to sing an eclectic range of music through the year. This gives singers the opportunity to engage with music from different historical periods, including Gregorian chant, Renaissance-era polyphony, and music for choir and organ by composers such as J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, Edward Elgar, Charles Stanford, John Taverner, and Ola Gjeilo. Other musical traditions are included the program through a broad range of styles of congregational song, and annual events such as the Jazz Mass.

One Choir, Two Ensembles

Holy Trinity Cathedral Choir consists of two ensembles: the Holy Trinity Cathedral Choristers, in partnership with Cathedral College Wangaratta, and the Holy Trinity Cathedral Singers.

Holy Trinity Cathedral Choristers

This ensemble sings at the Sunday 10.00am service during school term, and for other occasional services. It is a select-entry ensemble consisting of students from Cathedral College Wangaratta.

Entry to membership of the Cathedral Choristers is by audition to assess music literacy, aural, and ensemble skills. Singers in this ensemble are eligible for choral scholarships at Cathedral College.

Rehearsals are held Wednesday afternoons (4.00-5.30pm) and Sunday mornings (9.15-9.45am) during school term.

Holy Trinity Cathedral Singers

This ensemble is inclusive of adults of all abilities, and sings for Evensong once a month (February-December), and sings for the Sunday 10.00am service during school holidays.

Joining the Cathedral Singers is easy: simply complete the application form and join in for rehearsals. All adults join this ensemble.

Rehearsals are held on Thursday nights (7.00-8.30pm) and prior to scheduled services. Each rehearsal session includes a range of activities to nurture music literacy, singing technique, and ensemble skills. There are opportunities for singers with more established skills and confidence to explore opportunities to sing solos.